
Conveniently located to serve the areas of Roseville, Antelope, Citrus Heights, Rocklin and Sacramento, CA

Gynecomastia, Sacremento CA

Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by the enlargement of breast tissue in males. It is a physical difference that is out of step with traditional standards of masculinity and is commonly treated with cosmetic surgery.

At Norcal Liposculpture, Dr. Jack Friedlander offers male breast reduction, also known as gynecomastia surgery, to help address the symptoms of gynecomastia. Dr. Friedlander and the staff at Norcal Liposculpture strive to provide thoughtful customer care and life-changing cosmetic results in Roseville, California. For more information, call (916) 347-7755 or visit our contact page.

About Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia affects approximately 30% of men at some stage in their lifetime. (1) Enlarged breasts have a feminizing effect on the male physique, and are generally considered undesirable. Moreover, the condition can cause significant psychological distress and embarrassment.

The condition can occur in men of all ages. Although its primary cause is hormonal imbalance, there are many secondary causes. These include:

  • Liver disease
  • Kidney failure
  • Thyroid disease
  • Klinefelter syndrome
  • Natural decrease in testosterone production

In most cases, gynecomastia will resolve within two years, though for some men, it can become long-lasting. If it fails to subside, or if it becomes a significant source of embarrassment or distress, there are ways to treat it. Doctors typically try to locate the underlying cause of gynecomastia and encourage their patients to attempt to treat it that way before they opt for male breast reduction. Androgen deprivation therapy can address the primary cause head-on, though it is not a guaranteed solution. (2) When patients have exhausted their options, gynecomastia surgery is an effective solution.

Gynecomastia surgery involves incisions around the breast area in order to remove fat using liposuction, as well as to remove excess fat, skin, and tissue directly. Surgeons typically remove excess skin to create a toned and contoured chest after they have significantly reduced breast volume. Here at Norcal Liposculpture, Dr. Friedlander uses a specialized form of liposuction called VASER.

What is VASER Liposuction?

VASER liposuction is an advanced technique that makes the entire liposuction process easier. It works by utilizing ultrasound energy, or Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance (VASER). With this focused energy, surgeons can target fat and prepare it for removal. The ultrasound energy breaks up the bonds that the fat cells have with each other, making for removal that is easier on the body. Preparing the fat in this way also makes it easier on the surgeon, allowing them more freedom for precision and cosmetic control.

Benefits of Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery can get rid of your enlarged breasts along with the problems that they cause. It can serve to masculinize your chest, revealing a flatter and more muscular contour underneath the excess tissue. This can improve your overall aesthetic appearance, allowing you to stand tall with your shoulders back and your chest out. Having a masculine chest that you can be proud of can increase your self-esteem and boost your confidence. If gynecomastia is a burden on your life, receiving cosmetic surgery at Norcal Liposculpture could be a life-changing decision.

Who is a Candidate for Gynecomastia Surgery?

A good candidate for gynecomastia treatment will want to address enlarged male breasts and be ready to take the next step towards living their best life. To be eligible for the surgery, you should rule out the possibility that your enlarged breasts are due to excess fat alone. This is called pseudogynecomastia, and can typically be treated with a healthy diet and regular exercise. You should also attempt to identify the cause of your hormonal imbalance, if there is one, and reduce your breast size that way. If this doesn’t work, gynecomastia surgery is likely your next step.

You should be in good health if you want to undergo gynecomastia surgery. You need to be able to heal properly so that you may recover and benefit from the results of your procedure. Your breast tissue growth should be stable, and you should be close to your target body weight. If your breast size fluctuates due to unstable hormonal changes or persistent fat cell growth due to a lack of diet and exercise, gynecomastia surgery may not be able to deliver long-lasting results. You should also have realistic expectations about what this treatment can do for you. Having a flat and muscular chest will be the first step to achieving your dream body, but persistent diet and exercise will always be the factor that keeps your appearance where you want it to be.

Personal Consultation

At your personal consultation, we will answer any questions you have about gynecomastia surgery. We will also discuss your medical history, so you should review the conditions you’ve had, treatments you’ve undergone, or medications you’ve taken prior to this meeting. We may also run some tests to assess your current condition. Together with a discussion about your aesthetic goals, we will examine your chest and prepare a treatment plan for your gynecomastia surgery. We can schedule a date for your procedure and let you know what to expect in the days leading up to it. To arrange your personal consultation at Norcal Liposculpture, call (916) 347-7755 or fill out this form.


We will give you personalized instructions for how to best prepare for your gynecomastia surgery. Following these instructions closely will help to make your surgery safer and your recovery more comfortable. We may ask that you stop or start taking certain medications. You should avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications and herbal supplements that are known to thin the blood. These can cause excessive bleeding during surgery. If you smoke, you should stop for as long as you can before and after your treatment. The effects of smoking can cause complications during surgery and negatively impact your ability to heal. Arrange for a ride home after your surgery, as you may be disoriented or exhausted. Stay hydrated before and after your treatment, as well.

Gynecomastia Surgery Procedure

At Norcal Liposculpture, we perform gynecomastia surgery on an outpatient basis. On the day of your procedure, we will give you IV sedation to minimize discomfort during your surgery. Dr. Friedlander will begin the procedure by making incisions in discreet locations around the breast in order to minimize visible scarring. If your gynecomastia surgery requires liposuction, he will begin the VASER process by treating the excess fat with ultrasound energy. When the pockets of excess fat have been removed, he will continue by directly excising the overgrown breast tissue. If necessary, he will also excise any excess skin that would otherwise sag over the newfound lack of volume. When he is finished, he will close the incisions.


You may experience some swelling and bruising as you recover from your gynecomastia surgery. We can prescribe medication to help alleviate discomfort. We will provide you with recovery instructions to help you take care of your treatment area and speed up your recovery. You should rest as much as you can, though taking light walks can increase blood flow and help with recovery.

The downtime required for recovery from gynecomastia surgery is typically about five days. Most patients can return to work after one week. You should avoid strenuous exercise for a month after your procedure.


Gynecomastia, Sacremento CA

You will notice your flatter chest immediately after your surgery, though prolonged swelling may obscure the final results. When the swelling goes down completely after a few months, you will be able to see the full extent of the transformative results of your surgery. You will be amazed by the change in appearance that a flatter and more contoured chest can bring you. If you maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, the results of your treatment should be long-lasting. VASER liposuction.

How Much Does Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Sacramento?

The cost of gynecomastia treatment will be determined by several factors specific to each patient’s individual needs and goals. Our esteemed surgeon, Dr. Friedlander, understands that each case is unique and requires a personalized approach. To book your consultation at Norcal Liposculpture, call (916) 347-7755 or contact us online.


Can medication help me get rid of gynecomastia?

In some cases, medications may be prescribed to address underlying hormonal imbalances contributing to gynecomastia. These medications can help regulate hormone levels and potentially reduce the size of male breasts. However, it is crucial to consult with a qualified medical professional to determine the appropriate course of treatment based on individual circumstances.

Can liposuction be used for gynecomastia treatment?

Yes, liposuction is commonly used as a technique during gynecomastia surgery. In cases where excess fatty tissue is the primary concern, liposuction can effectively remove unwanted fat deposits through small, inconspicuous incisions. Liposuction can be a valuable tool in achieving a more sculpted and contoured chest appearance.

Is gynecomastia surgery covered by insurance?

Gynecomastia surgery can be covered by insurance, though some consider it an elective cosmetic surgery. This will depend on the severity of your condition and your particular insurance company. Does gynecomastia surgery leave visible scars? Gynecomastia surgery does leave visible scars, though surgeons do their best to make the necessary incisions in discrete areas, such as the crease at the bottom of the breast and around the border of the areola. Scars do fade over time, and many patients believe scars are worth having their gynecomastia addressed.


  1. Polat S, Cuhaci N, Evranos B, Ersoy R, Cakir B. Gynecomastia: Clinical evaluation and management. Indian Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism. 2014;18(2):150. doi:
  2. Karamchandani MM, De La Cruz Ku G, Sokol BL, Chatterjee A, Homsy C. Management of Gynecomastia and Male Benign Diseases. Surgical Clinics of North America. 2022;102(6):989-1005. doi: