Lipedema Treatment

Conveniently located to serve the areas of Roseville, Antelope, Citrus Heights, Rocklin and Sacramento, CA

Lipedema Treatment Dr. Friedlander NorCal Liposculpture

A lipedema treatment is the best way to alleviate chronic fluid retention and excess fat in the lower body. If you notice that your skin bruises easily and your body does not respond to diet or exercise, you may have lipedema. Millions of Americans live with this sudden, aggressive, and seemingly impossible condition. Approximately 11% of women struggle with it, (1) and in rare cases men are also affected. Lipedema is characterized by bilateral weight gain in the lower part of the body, typically the legs and hips, though sometimes the arms can be affected.

Does the excess fat on your lower body prevent you from walking, exercising, or generally enjoying your life? Is the fat on your legs disproportionate to the rest of your body, and causing you pain? Dr. Friedlander, a leader in liposuction surgery and care, offers cutting-edge liposuction techniques using VASER Ultrasound Technology at NorCal Liposculpture.

Contact our office or call (916) 347-7755 to learn more about how liposuction can help you reclaim your body and your quality of life.

About Lipedema

If you have lipedema, you likely struggle with excess fluid in the legs, bruise easily, or feel uncomfortable when touched. Although the exact cause is unknown, it is likely hereditary and often tied to hormonal changes such as puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Women and men who have lipedema tend to gain a large percentage of weight in their legs, hips, and arms. The excess fat disrupts body proportions and usually does not reach the feet, creating a “tree trunk” effect on a person’s legs. Lipedema can be broken down into three stages:

  • Mild: The mild or first stage of lipedema’s development is often misdiagnosed as cellulite or weight gain. The weight gain and fluid retention caused by lipedema, unfortunately, cannot be alleviated with diet or exercise alone.
  • Moderate: As lipedema progresses, you will continue to experience increased bruising, weight gain, and sensitivity to touch. As the condition worsens, patients may also experience numbness or a cold sensation. Fat nodules may begin to develop, which create an uneven skin texture.
  • Severe: In the severe stage, excess fat and fluid becomes debilitating, and the decrease in mobility can contribute to the development of additional fat, compounding the physical strain caused by Lipedema. The mobility issues in the severe state affect self-esteem and quality of life. Approximately 49% suffer from issues at work due to their condition. (2) Lipedema can be a life-altering source of chronic pain and discomfort if left untreated.

Liposuction for Lipedema

Liposuction is an effective way to treat the effects of lipedema. Although liposuction is not a weight loss solution, it can provide noticeable, long-lasting relief. VASER liposuction procedures use ultrasonic energy to melt excess fat and improve muscle definition for a more athletic appearance. Depending on the severity of your condition, a staged approach may be best for restoring long-term comfort and daily function.

Liposuction vs CDT Therapy

Combined Decongestive Therapy (CDT), is a massage therapy that drains excess fluid in the legs to relieve the symptoms of Lipedema. Some patients seek temporary relief with massage, but struggle to maintain their health because it is not a long-lasting solution. Although this method of body contouring can be beneficial, the best, most reliable method for patients seeking long-lasting relief is liposuction. To learn more about how VASER liposuction can change your quality of life, call NorCal Liposculpture today to schedule your consultation.

Lipedema Treatment Benefits

After a lipedema treatment, you will feel more comfortable in your body and your mobility will improve. Exercise will become easier, and your quality of life will increase. The benefits of a lipedema treatment include:

  • Less discomfort
  • Reduced sensitivity to touch
  • Improved joint mobility
  • Contoured figure
  • Enhanced appearance
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Healthier body mass index (BMI)

Lipedema Treatment Candidates

Patients who are living with lipedema often experience bruising, sensitivity to touch and limited mobility. VASER-assisted liposuction is an effective method of providing patients with real, long-lasting relief from their lipedema. The best candidates for lipedema treatment are:

  • Experiencing significant weight gain and fluid retention in their lower body or arms
  • Unable to lose their weight with diet and exercise (if their lipedema still allows them to be active)
  • Non-smokers who lead a healthy lifestyle
  • Open to the results of a body sculpting procedure
  • Free of pre-existing medical conditions which could impede their healthy recovery

Schedule a thorough consultation with Dr. Friedlander to discuss whether your case is appropriate for the benefits of liposuction.


Dr. Friedlander wants every patient to leave NorCal Liposculpture feeling confident that they have the best care plan. During your private consultation, he will examine the areas of your body that need treatment. He will also discuss your medical history, current medications, and lifestyle. After determining the severity of your lipedema, Dr. Friedlander will discuss which type of liposuction will deliver the best results and help you meet your body goals.


To prepare for your lipedema treatment, you will need to stop smoking 6 weeks before and after the procedure. You will also need to stop taking blood thinners 1-2 weeks before your procedure. We recommend that you arrange for time off work and plan your meals ahead of time to make your recovery more comfortable.


Lipedema treatment can take up to three hours to complete, depending on the severity of your condition. Dr. Friedlander takes care not to rush treatment, but instead methodically delivers the safest, most effective liposuction treatment possible. Dr. Friedlander will administer IV sedation and a tumescent fluid anesthetic. The type of liposuction you receive will depend on the severity of your lipedema.

Tumescent Liposuction

During a tumescent liposuction procedure, Dr. Friedlander will make a discrete incision near the treatment area to remove excess fat and fluid with a small cannula. He will gently dislodge excess fat with suction, resulting in significant slimming and contouring. Liposuction restores patients’ mobility and improves the appearance of the treated area.

VASER-Assisted Liposuction

During a VASER liposuction procedure, Dr. Friedlander will make small incisions and place protective skin ports to help your body drain excess fluid. He will insert a tiny cannula to deliver tumescent fluid followed by a small VASER probe. The probe emits ultrasounic energy, which causes the bubbles in the tumescent fluid to vibrate, emulsifying the fat further while protecting the surrounding tissue. The procedure is effective and will significantly reduce the size of patients’ legs, hips, and arms, or any other treated area. The ultrasonic energy has the additional benefit of tightening skin. However, patients who experience severe skin sagging may want to consider a body lift or similar treatment.

Lipedema Treatment Recovery

Lipedema Treatment Dr. Friedlander NorCal Liposculpture

After the procedure, you will receive a compression garment to wear for the first few weeks of your recovery. The garment will increase your comfort, and improve your results. You can return home immediately, but you will need a responsible adult to take you home. We recommend that you take light walks within the first 24 hours to help your body heal. Immediately following a liposuction treatment, you may experience some swelling, bruising, and discoloration that will subside after the first few weeks. You will see results from the procedure immediately accompanied by a rapid improvement in activity and function. Many patients have vast improvement of symptoms after several weeks, and you can enjoy the full effect of the treatment after 4-6 months. We will discuss a post-operative care plan and usually include several sessions of therapeutic ultrasound treatments during the first few weeks of your recovery.

Lipedema Treatment Results

After a lipedema treatment, your legs, hips, and arms will look more toned, and your skin will be smoother. Most patients experience a major reduction in their pain, sensitivity to touch, and bruising after removing excess fat and fluid. As post-procedure swelling subsides, patients will notice a huge reduction in their body’s fat and fluid retention.

Maintaining Your Results

If you maintain a healthy lifestyle, you can enjoy long-term relief, restored mobility, and a major reduction in lipedema-related pain. Patients who maintain a healthy lifestyle and anti-inflammatory diet will see the best long-term results and maintain an attractive, proportionate appearance. While the results of liposuction are long-lasting, some patients may decide to undergo regular Combined Decongestive Therapy to maintain results. To schedule a free private consultation with Dr. Jack Friedlander, call NorCal Liposculpture today at (916) 347-7755.

How Much Does a Lipedema Treatment Cost in Sacramento?

The cost of your treatment will depend on the treatment area and severity of your condition. After your consultation, Dr. Friedlander and his team will provide a detailed, all-inclusive quote. Lipedema is a life-altering condition, and no two patients have the same needs. Contact our office or call (916) 347-7755 to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can help you meet your goals.


Is lipedema the same as obesity or lymphedema?

No. Lipedema is often mistaken for obesity or lymphedema (a similar condition during which lymphatic vessels become blocked and fluid builds up in lower extremities). If you work out regularly and eat well, but have difficulty reducing excess fat in your lower body or arms, you may be experiencing lipedema.

Will the condition go away on its own without a lipedema treatment?

No, lipedema is a chronic condition that requires treatment. Unfortunately, it cannot be resolved with lifestyle changes, exercise, or diet. Surgical intervention is usually needed to see results. After a lipedema treatment, you can enjoy long-lasting results for several years and maintain them with a healthy lifestyle. At our office, we provide a lipedema-specific treatment to help you fall back in love with your body.

Will I need more than one lipedema treatment?

Lipedema is a chronic condition and every patient’s case is different. As your body changes from aging, you may need an additional lipedema treatment to maintain your results. Depending on their physical needs, patients may undergo an additional liposuction procedure.


  1. Christoffersen, Vilde, and Merete Kolberg Tennfjord. “Younger Women with Lipedema, Their Experiences with Healthcare Providers, and the Importance of Social Support and Belonging: A Qualitative Study.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 20, no. 3, 20 Jan. 2023, p. 1925,
  2. Matthias Hamatschek, et al. “Characteristics and Patient Reported Outcome Measures in Lipedema Patients—Establishing a Baseline for Treatment Evaluation in a High-Volume Center.” Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 11, no. 10, 17 May 2022, pp. 2836–2836, cm11102836. Accessed 12 Sept. 2023.