What is Male Girth Enhancement?

Dr. Jack Friedlander male girth enhancement

Male girth enhancement is a category of cosmetic procedures that focus on enlarging the girth, appearance, and overall mass of a man’s penis to improve their sexual life and boost their confidence. These innovative procedures employ hyaluronic acid dermal fillers to expand the penile circumference until the patient’s desired size is achieved. Men’s mental health is extremely important, and if one’s journey involves penis enlargement to feel like their true, confident selves, then what makes girth enhancement different from any other important medical procedure? Dr. Jack Friedlander believes that confidence is vital to a healthy life and is devoted to helping you become the man you want to be.

As one of the leading cosmetic surgeons in Northern California, Dr. Friedlander’s specialty in male girth enhancement has achieved effective results. Alongside Dr. Joel Pash, Dr. Friedlander founded and developed the Upsize Procedure™, an immediate, micro-invasive, and virtually painless procedure for male enhancement.

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Friedlander at NorCal Liposculpture to create your perfect penile growth plan. Prefer to call? Our office is always happy to talk to potential patients when you call (916) 347-7755.

About Male Girth Enhancement

Dr. Friedlander’s Upsize Procedure™ uses FDA-approved dermal fillers to enlarge a patient’s penis. These dermal fillers are composed of hyaluronic acid, which is naturally found in the body already. Hyaluronic acid is a glycosaminoglycan (GAG), a category of sugar molecules that the body requires for functions like tissue growth, hydration, blood flow, and nutrient dispersal. (1) Hyaluronic acid is particularly important to these functions because of its high polarity and unique structure. It can bind with up to 10,000 times its weight in water molecules, making it extremely important for blood clotting, wound healing, and tissue growth.(1) With these properties, doctors in countless fields have employed hyaluronic acid in a multitude of treatments. It is extremely helpful in cases of severe tissue damage as well as in cosmetic procedures.

The Upsize Procedure™ is based on these growth principles. It takes only a few minutes, is virtually painless, and there is essentially no down time or extensive aftercare required. Patients can expect a minimum of a quarter to a half inch or more in circumference gain in a single treatment. For those wanting an inch or more gain in circumference, additional treatments may be required. Overcome any feelings of inadequacy and let us know how much you want to grow by scheduling your consultation with Dr. Friedlander today.


While it can seem trivial on the surface, concerns regarding penis size is a struggle for almost half of men across the United States. Those afflicted can harbor feelings of inadequacy, emasculation, embarrassment, shame, and more. As these feelings compound into anxiety and depression, it becomes harder to enjoy life through socializing and dating. Being able to overcome these struggles and live a confident, happy life is important, and it is the main benefit of receiving the Upsize Procedure. However, it is not the only one! Extra bonus perks include:

  • Legitimate results
  • Fast, noticeable growth
  • Boosted confidence
  • Increased sexual satisfaction
  • Micro-invasive treatment
  • Reversible effects
  • Increased appeal to sexual partners
  • Improved mental health
  • Quick, affordable sessions
  • Long-lasting results


Whether or not you are embarrassed about your penis size or simply like the idea of making it a little bigger, Upsize™ can give you results you will be proud of. Additionally, the treatment has shown remarkable results for patients afflicted with Peyronie’s Disease (penile curvature). (2) This condition is caused by a buildup of plaque under the penis skin, leading to urinary and sexual complications from curvature. By introducing hyaluronic acid to the penis tissue, the body can combat inflammation and create new tissue where needed. (3) This adds strength to the shaft, eventually leading to decreased curvature of the penis.

Hyaluronic acid also stimulates hydration, which will decrease swelling with an introduction of water and enhanced blood flow. (3) Research has shown that hyaluronic acid can also significantly delay premature ejaculation in men who frequently experience it. (4) Male girth enhancement is available to a wide array of patients and can have applications beyond size increase.

Personal Consultation

One of the best features of male girth enhancement is its highly personalized format. Each patient’s growth or treatment goals will be different, and the ability to openly communicate with your provider about your individual plan without embarrassment leads to high rates of success. If you are interested in making a positive change in your life, do not hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Friedlander and begin your growth journey.

Preparation & Procedure

Minimal preparation is needed for girth enhancement with HA fillers. Once a patient has arrived for their scheduled appointment, they will meet with Dr. Friedlander for their session, which normally takes only 30 minutes. Dr. Friedlander will sterilize the skin and numb the penis with a local anesthetic. The hyaluronic acid solution will be injected into sites along the shaft of the penis and then molded into the desired shape, followed by placement of a sterile dressing


Following the injections, Dr. Friedlander will provide the patient with detailed care instructions. Recovery does not take long for most patients. Bruising is common but fades quickly. Icing the area to reduce swelling and resting for the next 24 hours is beneficial. It is highly recommended to avoid intercourse and other strenuous activity for the next week.


Patients report a quarter to half-inch or greater increase in penis circumference per session, and results remain noticeable for many years following the initial procedure with an average retention of about two years. If a patient is not satisfied with their results and/or new appearance, we can touch up the penis by adding or dissolving the hyaluronic acid filler. This also makes the procedure reversible, so the patient can revert to their previous girth if they so wish. For patients using Upsize™ to treat premature ejaculation, a small study found that 83.3% of men found increased satisfaction from a longer intercourse period and a corresponding 70% of their partners reported increased satisfaction. (4)

Corresponding & Complementary Procedures

Dr. Jack Friedlander male girth enhancement

Aside from major innovations in hyaluronic acid tissue growth, Dr. Friedlander is one of the country’s leading experts in VASER Liposuction. VASER — or Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance — is one of the most groundbreaking innovations in liposuction procedures. VASER operates by dislodging fat deposits through the use of sound wave amplification instead of the traditional methods. This makes the operation even less invasive and much safer.

Consider sculpting your body to bring your appearance to the next level. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Friedlander or call our office at (279) 799-7400.

Cost of Penile Girth Enhancement in Sacramento

While male girth enhancement is not inexpensive, the overall cost can differ depending on a patient’s size goals and the number of sessions required to meet them. Package deals are available and start at $4200, though the total cost may be reduced if done in conjunction with other procedures. Financing options are available.


Does girth enhancement with fillers hurt?

The Upsize Procedure™ is specifically designed to be painless. Injection sites are numbed and we offer detailed instructions on how to reduce soreness and swelling following your session.

Is girth enhancement with fillers permanent?

The Upsize Procedure™ is semi-permanent, but the results are long-lasting. We expect an average duration of 2 or more years, however, some permanent gains can be expected as the procedure does stimulate natural collagen growth. The procedure is also reversible because it uses dermal fillers and there is a medication that can dissolve the hyaluronic acid if desired.

Will male girth enhancement improve my life?

Patients have reported increased confidence and sexual satisfaction, improved relationships, and increased happiness overall.

How big can I make my penis?

Each session typically adds between a quarter inch and a half inch to the penis circumference. Your maximum girth will primarily depend on your penile length and what your goals are. Within reason, almost any size can be achieved.

Do male girth enhancement procedures affect sexual function?

The primary goal of male girth enhancement procedures is to increase the size or thickness of the penis, often resulting in improved sexual confidence and satisfaction. While these procedures do not directly alter sexual performance or function, patients often report enhanced confidence and self-esteem, leading to overall improved sexual experiences.


  1. Casale J, Crane JS. Biochemistry, Glycosaminoglycans. PubMed. Published 2022. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK544295/#:~:text=Glycosaminoglycans%20(GAGs)%2C%20also%20known
  2. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Penile Curvature (Peyronie’s Disease) | NIDDK. National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Published December 2, 2019. https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/urologic-diseases/penile-curvature-peyronies-disease
  3. Capece M, Celentano G, Roberto La Rocca. Current Evidence on the Use of Hyaluronic Acid as Nonsurgical Option for the Treatment of Peyronie’s Disease: A Contemporary Review. Uro. 2023;3(2):160-167. doi:https://doi.org/10.3390/uro3020017
  4. Sakr A, Hazem Elgalaly, Seleem MH, Kamel M, El AI, Ibrahim IM. Outcome of hyaluronic acid gel injection in glans penis for treatment of lifelong premature ejaculation: A pilot study. Arab journal of urology. 2022;21(1):31-35. doi:https://doi.org/10.1080/2090598x.2022.2100580

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